青岛中海新材料有限公司 Qingdao Sinosea New Material Co., Ltd
Consultation Hotline 86-532-86877727
Magnesium Remover

Magnesium Remover

Features and Benefits:
This product can effectively remove the magnesium while delivering refining effectiveness.
1. To use this product in a reverberatory furnace: Blow the magnesium remover into the aluminum melts with the use of a powder blower which uses nitrogen to carry the powder. Magnesium remover power blown into the aluminum melts reacts with the magnesium in the aluminum alloy. Products of such reaction float on the surface of the aluminum melts.
2. To use this product in a crucible: Spread the magnesium remover on the surface of the aluminum melts. Push the magnesium remover down deep with an immersion bell. Move the bell vertically up and down until the reaction process ends. Take out the immersion bell and implement sampling analysis.